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Say hello to Astrid – trainee at Lerøy

Name: Astrid Fadnes Brattebø

Job title: Trainee Lerøy Way Office

Place of work: Head office in Bergen

Astri at the head office in Bergen
Astrid is enjoying her work at the head office in Bergen, but she is now heading north to see what it is like to work in a factory.

What are your qualifications?

- “I trained as a production engineer. After five years’ study in Bergen I’ve got a BSc in Industrial Engineering and an MSc in innovation and entrepreneurship.”

What does your job at Lerøy entail?

- “At Lerøy I’ve been able to try my hand at a wide range of challenging and interesting tasks, both at the office and in the field. Broadly speaking my job is to contribute to operating and further develop Lerøy’s business system, Lerøy Way, in which the Lean principles are key

Amongst other things, it involves helping to create training materials for the Lerøy Way, conduct audits of production management at the factories, assist with improvement projects in the value chain, and help plan and hold training courses as part of the Lerøy Way Training Programme.”

Astri at the head office in Bergen
In 2017 Lerøy began the process of developing a continual improvement programme for its value chain – the Lerøy Way.

Can you tell us a bit about what it is like to work as a trainee?

- “As a trainee at the Lerøy Way Office, things are never boring. Lerøy has placed their trust in me and given me responsibilities from day one, and with good support and coaching from my incredibly talented and knowledgeable colleagues at the Lerøy Way Office, I’ve been able to gain the confidence I need and the opportunity to develop that I hoped for when I joined the trainee programme.”

How would you describe the past six months in terms of challenges?

- “When it comes to challenges, there is no getting away from the corona issue, which has been with us for a large part of 2020. Life as we knew it was turned on its head almost overnight, and we were forced to have a rethink. But as a company and not least a department where problems and challenges are seen as unique opportunities to make improvements, we turned it into something positive.

When we could no longer travel to the plants with our Lerøy Way initiatives, we spent our time well by developing training materials and tools for implementing Lerøy Way methodologies. And I’m confident that the department is better prepared for the autumn than it has ever been.”

Astrid’s job as a trainee at the Lerøy Way Office involves a range of tasks.

What next after your year as a trainee?

- “I’m very happy that I’ll be able to continue at Lerøy once my year as a trainee comes to an end. The plan was long to continue at the Lerøy Way Office in Bergen, but when the opportunity arose to immerse myself in improvement and the Lerøy Way in practice at the factory in Stamsund, I couldn’t say no. So next year you’ll find me in Lofoten at Lerøy Norway Seafoods in Stamsund!”

What will it be like to move from a desk job in Bergen to a factory in Stamsund?

- “It will be great and educational! It will probably be rather different to what I do today, but I’m looking forward to swapping my white office shirt for a work apron and fishy smells. I enjoy engaging with thoughts and ideas in practice, so what could be better than doing it the Lerøy Way in the field? It’s in the factories that the real value creation takes place!”

View from the Lerøy factory at Stamsund in Lofoten
Idyllic Stamsund in Lofoten, where Lerøy has a factory for filleting cod and other whitefish as well as fish cake production. Photo: Marius Fiskum

Would you recommend Lerøy to other recent graduates?

- “Definitely! My year as a trainee at Lerøy has been fantastic, and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. For me, it has been the perfect springboard from newly qualified engineer to a career in an exciting and progressive industry.”

Seafood Trainee

In partnership with NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster, Lerøy is offering a one-year trainee programme in a range of disciplines in the seafood industry. The 2019–20 cohort at Lerøy counted 11 trainees. This autumn we will be welcoming 10 new trainees.

The trainee group of 2021-2022
Our trainees 2019-2020 gathered at the head office in Bergen.

Career in Lerøy

Lerøy Seafood Group aims to be a company with local roots in the areas where we operate, thereby contributing to all local communities regardless of region and nationality.

The Group strive to create an including and engaging work environment built on collaboration, learning and continuous development.

The Group finds great value in recruiting young people and graduates into the industry for the future. We offer apprenticeships, summer vacancies, internships and trainee positions. It is important for us  to have people from different backgrounds and with different types of education.

Read more: Opportunities for graduates and students