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Attractive and meaningful jobs

We uphold internationally recognized labor rights and are committed to providing meaningful and attractive jobs with fair compensation.

Our employees

The Group aims to be an attractive employer for both existing and potential employees. Two of the Group’s strategic priorities are “create a learning and innovative organization” and “develop our people & affected communities”. Our employees are crucial for our success, and as an employer, Lerøy strives to create an including and engaging work environment characterized by collaboration, learning and continuous development.

Our values
Our values: Honest, Open, Responsible and Creative lie at the foundation of everything we do. Therefore, it is important that our employees live by and identify with the values as well as represent the Group as positive ambassadors.

One of our focus areas is to develop an inclusive and engaging work environment. Within the Group, we strive to build a culture of pride and openness through collaboration and learning across our fully integrated value chain. To measure this, we run an annual employee survey in collaboration with Great Place to Work that is distributed to every employee in the Group. The survey is available in 17 languages, and is voluntary to participate in. We encourage all employees in the Group to participate and we are proud to have achieved an answer rate of 82% in 2024.

In the future, we will continue to build our “One Lerøy” culture focusing on continuous development and improvement.


Own employees - Information on employees by gender
Number of employees
(head count)
5 342
Male 3 424
Female 1 918
Number of permanent employees
(head count)
4 574
Male 2 958
Female 1 616
Number of temporary employees
(head count)
Male 466
Female 302
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees
(head count)
Male 80
Female 52
Number of full time employees
(head count)
4 773
Male 3 081
Female 1 692
Number of part time employees
(head count)
Male 263
Female 174
Employees by and hired employees (workers) by country
Number of employees
(head count)
Norway 3800
Finland 44
Portugal 51
Spain 425
Denmark 390
Netherlands 191
Italy 22
Sweden  243
Turkey 31
France 135
United Kingdom 3


Number of permanent employees
(head count )
Norway 3251
Finland 40
Portugal 44
Spain 322
Denmark 390
Netherlands 142
Italy 11
Sweden  210
Turkey 31
France 123
United Kingdom 3


Number of temporary employees
(head count)
Norway 549
Finland 4
Portugal 7
Spain 103
Denmark 0
Netherlands 49
Italy 11
Sweden  33
Turkey 0
France 12
United Kingdom 0


Number of non-guaranteed hours employees
(head count)
Norway 105
Finland 0
Portugal 0
Spain 0
Denmark 0
Netherlands 27
Italy 0
Sweden  0
Turkey 0
France 0
United Kingdom 0


Number of full time employees
(head count)
Norway 3324
Finland 40
Portugal 51
Spain 425
Denmark 380
Netherlands 130
Italy 21
Sweden  234
Turkey 31
France 127
United Kingdom 3


Number of part time employees
(head count)
Norway 371
Finland 4
Portugal 0
Spain 0
Denmark 10
Netherlands 34
Italy 1
Sweden  9
Turkey 0
France 8
United Kingdom 0


Hired employees (workers)
(head count)
Norway 132
Finland 1
Portugal 0
Spain 75
Denmark 67
Netherlands 312
Italy 7
Sweden  25
Turkey 25
France 27
United Kingdom 0


Total own employees and hired employees (workers) per country
Norway 3932
Finland 45
Portugal 51
Spain 500
Denmark 457
Netherlands 503
Italy 29
Sweden  268
Turkey 56
France 162
United Kingdom 3


Hired employees (workers) - Information on employees by gender
Number of hired employees (workers)
(head count)
Male 256
Female 415
Number of hired full time employees (workers)
(head count)
Male 179
Female 172
Number of hired part time employees (workers)
(head count)
Male 77
Female 243


The numbers are reported in head count at the end of reporting period (31.12.2023). 


Own employee/s (GRI term - “employee”) – An employee (full time and part time) employed on a direct employment contract with Lerøy which defines all terms and conditions of the employment relationship.  

Hired employee/s (GRI term “worker”) – An employee (full time and part time) employed temporarily for a fixed period of time (for instance a season) from a recruitment agency. The hired employee has a direct employment contract with the recruitment agency.   

Lerøy predominantly uses hired labor (workers) to meet the organization’s temporary/ seasonal needs during certain times of the year, for instance during the cod (lat. Gadus Morhua) season which begins in January and lasts until the end of April. Hired employees perform the same work and have the same workload as our full-time employees.   

All employees in Lerøy Seafood Group have a written employment contract of employment that sets out the roles and duties of the employment.  

Lerøy requires that hired labor (workers) also have a written employment contract that sets out the roles and duties of the employment. 

Part-time employment in Norway

9.6% of employees and workers at Lerøy’s Norwegian companies work part-time. Of those, 34.6% are women and 65.4% are men. Some of these part-time positions reflect the reduced need for full-time roles, or they have been created in response to the employee’s and worker's needs, wishes and individual life situations. Many of the part-time roles at Lerøy are auxiliary roles staffed by students. This allows the students to gain practical work experience alongside their studies.

Temporary employment in Norway

14% of employees at the Norwegian companies are working in temporary positions. Most temporary roles are seasonal and fluctuate with demand, e.g. during the cod (lat. Gadus Morhua) season. Lerøy also draws on a pool of temporary workers to meet its ever changing need for resources throughout the year and to cover for staff who are on leave or working on projects.

All companies in the Group carry out employment, occupational health and safety related and compliance related reporting on a monthly/quarterly basis in the Group’s reporting system Cemasys. The reported information is consolidated at Group level.   

There are no significant fluctuations in the number of employees during the reporting period (2023). 

Women at work in factory
  Male  Female  Total
Number of workers who are not employees 256 415 671
Information on employees by gender Male  Female  Total
Number of employees (head count) 3 680 2 333 6 013
Number of permanent employees (head count) 2 958 1 616 4 574
Number of temporary employees (head count)  466 302 768
Number of non-guaranteed hours employees  (head count) 80 52 132
Number of full time employees (head count) 3 260 1 864 5 124
Number of part time employees (head count) 340 417 757


Turnover includes own employees, hired employees, part-time employees and temporary employees.

Turnover rate – gender:








Turnover rate in different age groups:

Employees under 30 years old

Employees between 30-50 years old

Employees over 50 years old






Occupational health and safety

Lerøy Seafood Group (the Group) is committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces, by preventing work-related injuries and ill-health, as well as proactively improving its health and safety performance, fulfilling legal and other relevant requirements and working towards achieving defined health and safety objectives.
Positive and Negative Impacts of the Material Topic

Absence of harmful conditions that can cause injury and illness as well as health promoting measures are fundamental principles and rights at work. Promotion of safe and healthy working environment has significant positive impacts both on direct operations as well as operations of our supply chain. Respecting the right to safe and healthy working environment is an inherent part of good business practice. Lerøy expects and requires that the right to safe and healthy working environment is a core component within the operations of the company as well as in relation to employees and workers in our supply chains. Lerøy is working actively to ensure that the company prevents and mitigates the risk of contributing to adverse impacts on human rights.

To the best of our knowledge, the organization is not involved with negative impacts regarding promoting safe and healthy working environment.


Health and Safety Policy

The Group has developed Occupational Health and Safety policy which, on high level, outlines the long-term direction for the Group to support and continually improve its health and safety performance providing an overall sense of direction, as well as framework for setting health and safety objectives.

The policy sets out requirements for the Group’s own health and safety work as well as states that the same strict requirements apply to its business partners. The Group’s business partners have to confirm that they acknowledge and will follow the principles stated in the Group’s Business Code of Conduct.

The Group aims to have zero injuries in the workplace and prevent all occupational illness. This is achieved through robust health and safety management which is crucial for succeeding with identifying, preventing and mitigating significant negative occupational health and safety impacts.

Health and Safety Culture

The Group is continuously working on developing a strong safety culture which further develops the defined health and safety direction of the Group. Safety culture in the Group is supported by the Group’s values, managerial practices, patterns of activities and competencies – core elements for ensuring  and maintaining sustainable health and safety culture.

The top management in the Group has the ultimate responsibility for an adequate health and safety management in the Group. Each company within the Group has identified specific health and safety roles and responsibilities assigned to one or several individuals to ensure sound and consistent health and safety management locally.

Health and Safety Management

In order to protect the health and safety of its employees, manage the topic and related impacts, the Group is actively working with identifying and assessing risks, incident reporting and analysis as well as implementation of safety measures. Effectiveness of the implemented safety measures is constantly measured and monitored. The ulitmate goal of health and safety management is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, as well as to promote the overall well-being of employees. This includes providing training on safety practices and procedures, ensuring compliance with regulations and standards, and conducting regular safety audits. 

To track effectiveness of the actions taken each of the Group’s companies has defined occupational health and safety related KPIs which are monitored and reviewed as a minimum on monthly basis. The reported information and results provide an indication of progress toward the defined goals and targets. Successes as well as challenges and setbacks are identified and shared with relevant stakeholders. If necessary, based on lessons learned, changes are implemented. This may involve revising and updating policies and procedures and changing practices. Lessons learned are used to continuously improve the process to ensure that the actions meet the needs of stakeholders and deliver desired results. Relevant stakeholders receive information regarding implemented changes. 

The Group has implemented a Quality Management System which is available to all companies in the Group as well as employees (individuals who are in an employment relationship with the organization according to national law or practice regarding working time, GRI 2021) and workers (persons that perform work for the organizationGRI 2021) and the system contains general documentation regarding health and safety management. 

If relevant, the Group’s companies also have their own local health and safety management documentation libraries which include description of work processes, procedures and other company specific relevant documentation to ensure that all operations are carried out in a safe manner. All employees and workers are covered by relevant health and safety management system.

The scope and nature of the health and safety management work is defined by relevant own, client and legal requirements.

The legal requirements for health and safety management vary depending on the country of operation. However, some common legal requirements include that the employer is required to ensure health, safety and welfare of all its employees and workers. This includes providing safe equipment, appropriate personal protective equipment, training and information, hazard communication, ensuring that employees and workers are able to identify and manage risks as well as consulting with employees and workers on health and safety matters.

The Group has integrated risk management into its organizational activities, including health and safety management, and view it as an integral part of its governance, strategy and operational processes. 

If relevant, the Group’s companies also have their own local health and safety management documentation libraries which include description of work processes, procedures and other company specific relevant documentation to ensure that all operations are carried out in a safe manner. All employees and workers are covered by relevant health and safety management system.

Quality Management

The Group has a system (an integral part of Quality Management System) for reporting of safety observations, near-misses, injuries, non-conformances and proposals for improvement. This ensures that all types of safety observations, near-misses, incidents, non-conformances and proposals for improvement are registered in a single system helping the Group to gain an overview of the types of cases registered, trends and identify areas for improvement. In 2023 the Group commenced a project the aim of which is to make registration of safety observations, near-misses, injuries, non-conformances and proposals for improvement easier. It has also clarified definitions of registration categories and further developed possibilities for learning. HSE-case registration forms have been updated in order to make them more user-friendly as well as improve the registered data and analytics to provide an opportunity for knowledge-based decision making.

Incident Reporting and Risk Management

All work-related incidents, be they a near miss or an actual injury, shall be reported in the Group’s incident and improvement proposal reporting system where they are analyzed and handled by employees who have the competency to evaluate, and the authority make necessary changes to the existing practices to improve the overall health and safety performance of the organization. All companies have mapped out their work processes as well as identified process risks, hazards and their mitigating actions.

There shall be no reprisals against either employees or workers as a consequence of reporting of hazards and/or hazardous situations. On the contrary – Lerøy welcomes and encourages incident and hazard reporting as it is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

If relevant and necessary, for example in case of an extraordinary or new work activity to be carried out, a Safe Job Analysis (SJA) is performed prior to execution of the activity in question to ensure that potential risks are identified and there are barriers in place to address these risks. If the SJA concludes that there is a necessity to update or change the current processes or procedure, the change proposal gets submitted to the responsible process/procedure owner who evaluates the proposal and, if appropriate, makes the necessary changes. In 2023 a mobile SJA application was developed and implemented for a part of the Group's companies. The application will be developed further and implemented in the entire Group.

100% (6013 persons) of the Group’s management systems are internally and externally audited via various certifications schemes the Group is part of.

All employees and workers (6013 persons) have received necessary training on how to identify risks and carry out risk assessment as well as HSE related (relevant) internal and external training which is required by national legislation and internal Lerøy standards. Training such as hygiene and safe handling of chemicals training, gas hazard training, safety training, first aid training or training on (use of) particular equipment.

Training in the Farming companies is audited by ASC and GlobalGap.  Norwegian Maritime Authority audits trawling companies on regular basis. The subject of training is part of the audits.

They also received both generic training regarding the organization, its processes and procedures as well as specific training depending on their position and the type of work they carry out. Review of specific, work-related hazards, hazardous activities and the appropriate procedures to address these is included in the training.

The Group launched a general HSE training. The online training is available for companies in the Farming segment on the Group’s digital training platform Motimate and covers such topics as:

Occupational Health and Safety Management in Lerøy:
  • Legal Requirements
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management system
  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Targets
  • Occupational Health and Safety related Roles in the Organization
Quality Management in Lerøy
  • Lerøy Quality Management System
  • Reporting of Non-conformances and Incidents – Definitions and Case handling
  • Reporting and Whistleblowing
Recordable work-related injuries
  • Trends and Statistics
  • Risk-reducing Measures
Emergency Preparedness and Risk Management
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Risk Assessment, Action Plans and Safe Job Analysis
  • Training
Working environment and External Environment
  • Internal and External Environment
  • Working Environment and its key Features
Occupational Health and Safety Follow-up and Continuous Improvement
  • Occupational Health and Safety Follow-up
  • Continuous Improvement and Occupational Health and Safety Yearly Plan
Occupational Health and Safety related Compliance

All of the companies in the Group are compliant with the existing occupational health safety legislation in the countries they operate in as well as follow the principles laid out ISO 45001 standard Occupational Health and Safety, however none of the companies has a third-party certification an independent verification that the company meets the principles in the standard.

Occupational Health and Promotion of Employees' and Workers' Health

Most companies within the Group which have employees and workers have established cooperation with an occupational health and safety service provider. Occupational health service providers are involved in risk identification processes as well as serve as advisory bodies regarding various health and safety issues.

The Group uses only authorized occupational health and safety services as well as performs due diligence prior to contracting an occupational health and safety service provider.

The Group is working on promoting employees’ and workers’ health by offering voluntary health promotion services, such as in-house training and voluntary training groups which the employees and workers can join. Some of the companies offer a yearly physician check-up to evaluate the health condition of the person in question and suggest further check-ups/treatment if necessary/appropriate. Information regarding employee and worker health promotion is published on and communicated via the company’s intranet which is available to all employees and workers.

Employee and Worker Participation

The Group has four core values – Honest, Open, Responsible and Creative. These are incorporated in all our activities and shall define our behavior at work. All employees and workers are encouraged to provide feedback thus influencing and developing transparent two-way communication, consultation and participation practice.

Employees and workers are enabled to contribute and comment on health and safety practices, and it is ensured that all employees and workers have an opportunity to reporter hazardous situations, so that preventative measures can be put into place and necessary corrective action taken.  The Group views consultation and participation of employees and workers as a detrimental success factor for the organization and its development.

83% of all companies in the group have a formal joint management-worker health and safety committee/ safety representative.  NB! In smaller size companies, where it is not required to have a safety committee, safety representative represents the employees and workers in matters concerning health, safety and working environment.

The aim of the committee is to enable a two-way communication and exchange of information as well as give informed feedback to be considered by the organization before implementing a change or making a decision.

Employee representatives, which represent both employees and workers, are a central part of the joint management-worker health and safety committee. The committees meet at least four times a year, extra meetings can be held if necessary.

The committees are handling issues such as occupational health and safety services,  reports from safety representatives, training, organizational changes, corrective and preventative measures, risk evaluation as well as other working environment related issues. The Group aims to be a learning organization and is inviting feedback regarding improving its safe work practices.

Employees' and Workers' Right to Remove Themselves from Hazardous Work Situations

The Group’s Code of Conduct, which all employees of the group must acknowledge and follow, states that health and safety is the number one priority of the Group and that no compromises shall be made when it comes to the employee’s and worker’s safety. All employees and workers have the right to remove themselves from work situations that they believe could cause an injury or ill health.

Occupational Health and Safety Performance Indicators 2023

The Group is monitoring and measuring the following health and safety performance indicators. These indicators are used to track the effectiveness of actions taken as well as evaluate progress of actions taken. The indicators are reviewed monthly both locally by the companies as well as  the  Group’s Management Team.   If a performance in an indicator is not satisfactory measures are put in place in order to improve the performance on the indicator in question.  If necessary and appropriate relevant updates are incorporated into the organization’s operational policies and procedures.

Performance indicator

Result  (2023)


Lost time injury frequency rate (LTI- H Value)


((Number of injuries resulting in absence form work) x 1 000 000/ total number of working hours in the respective period)


Total lost time injury frequency rate (TLTIFR)


((Number of injuries resulting in absence form work) + (Number of injuries without absence from work)) x 1 000 000/ total number of working hours in the respective period


Leave of absence due to illness (total)

6,04 %


Leave of absence due to illness = ((Number of  total sick leave days) x 100/ Number of possible working days)

Leave of absence due to illness (short-term)

2,35 %


Leave of absence due to illness = ((Number of short-term sick leave days) x 100/ Number of possible working days)

Leave of absence due to illness (long-term)

3,69 %

Leave of absence due to illness = ((Number of long-term sick leave days) x 100/ Number of possible working days)

Work-related injuries with absence


Number of work-related personal injuries that have resulted in absence from work

Number of work-related injuries without absence


Number of work-related personal injuries that have not resulted in absence from work

Number of near-misses


Work-related incidents/situations that cause physical injury but do not result in treatment by medical personnel

Number of safety observations


Fault or defect, for example, equipment, technical objects or breach of routines and procedures that may cause physical damage/ harm

Number of fatalities related to work


An occupational fatality is a death that occurs while a person is at work or performing work-related tasks

% of companies having working environment committee (or safety representative, if/ when relevant) which includes an employee representative


Companies having a working environment committee which includes an employee representative

  • H1 value/ Lost Time Injury (LTI) frequency = 0
  • Total number of near-misses and safety observations 2023: 3 per person-years







Organization learning and development

Our employees and workers are essential to our vision to become the most efficient supplier of sustainable, high-quality seafood. We are committed to developing their skills and knowledge. Advancing employees’ and workers’ expertise promotes sustainable, responsible and inclusive workplace practice and has positive effects on the economy and human rights. To the best of our knowledge, there are no negative effects on the economy, environment or human rights as a result from our activity.

Skilled employees and workers are good for society and business. By developing employees and workers the organization is also implicitly contributing to non-discrimination, equal opportunities, and freedom to express workplace concerns. It also gives opportunities for better personal development and social integration.

As an employer, Lerøy has a responsibility to develop and maintain our human resources, as well as attract and hire employees with the right competencies to solve existing and future challenges.

We are committed to ensure continuous customized training and development at all levels as well as offer unique and interesting career opportunities for our employees. Lerøy believes that its employees' and workers' knowledge and skills help them to maximise their professional potential.

We advertise internal career opportunities and encourage increased internal mobility.

In 2023 the Group further developed the corporate training online platform (Motimate) where compulsory and voluntary training is produced and conducted. Motimate is a tool which the employees can use to develop their competencies and skills. Motimate provides an interactive, easily accessible and simple way of sharing and acquiring knowledge. The Group is pleased to see that 45 915 courses have been completed in Motimate between October 2021 (when the platform was launched) and December 2023 (information regarding the Group’s Norwegian subsidiaries).

In 2024 the Group will continue the process of implementing the tool to all the Group’s companies across the globe.

Employee development

The Group operates in a global industry that requires employees who are dynamic and willing to adapt and learn. By facilitating formal and informal learning arenas, our employees will have the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning and development and are encouraged to work in various areas and positions in the Group.

We have close cooperation and knowledge sharing with various educational institutions, such as universities and colleges. In addition, we cooperate with students at Bachelor, Master and PhD level.

The Group finds great value in recruiting young people and graduates into the industry. We offer apprenticeships, summer vacancies, internships and trainee positions. It is important for the Group to have people from different backgrounds and with different types of education. In line with the Group's strategic pritorities, the Group is working to establish a competence register and development program to ensure that every employee possesses nesessary competencies and has the opportunity to further develop their skills. The name of this initiative is Lerøy Academy and it will run through 2024.

Information on internal education and training activities in Lerøy



Health Safety and Environment (HSE)

All employees receive necessary internal and external training which is required by national legislation regarding HSE related topics. Training can be such as hygiene and safe handling of chemicals, gas hazard, safety training, first aid training or training on particular equipment. 




Code of Conduct

All employees in the Group shall receive training on the Group’s Business Code of Conduct and whistle blowing. In addition, the Group provides training on diversity and inclusion, workplace culture (Great Place To Work) and other initiatives via  Motimate e-learning platform. 


Lerøy Way

In 2023, approximately 130 managers participated in training related to various parts of Lerøy Way business system. The courses take place for 3-5 days out in the value chain and have a good balance between theory and practical exercises. The purpose is for the managers to gain a good basic understanding of Lerøy Way, so that they can further involve their employees and further develop the improvement work in their own units. In addition to exploring new mindsets and methods, the participants learn from each other's experiences and network across the units and build One Lerøy.


Additionally, all employees and workers in companies where Lerøy Way has been implemented have undergone training in Lerøy Way methodology, Lean and continuous improvement.

Havfiskskolen (Havfisk- school)

Annual mandatory gathering for all the employees working on fishing vessels in Lerøy Havfisk. The theme of the training changes each year. Themes included in the training previously - targets, strategy and KPI’s, HSE, sick leave and absence, Great Place To Work, Business Code of Conduct and Motimate. The aim of the training is that all employees receive the same information, learning and development.

Equality and diversity


The Group has created an e-learning course regarding equality, diversity and inclusion, which is available and mandatory for all employees in the Norwegian companies. The course aims to create awareness regarding equality and diversity and provides insights on how Lerøy works to secure an inclusive and discrimination free work environment.

External initiatives

Lerøy is also offering external learning and development opportunities, such as participation in programs, lectures, courses and seminars.


Leadership development

The Group focuses on future-oriented and coherent management based on the Group’s values and business strategy. Our managers shall lead by example, show direction and focus on achieving results jointly. In 2023, the Group continued to develop and implement programs and tools to ensure that our managers are accountable and skilled in their role.

Being a manager in Lerøy is a vote of confidence that carries significant responsibility and extensive leadership development programs have been carried out at various levels, where employees from different parts of the Group meet and get to know what it means to be a leader in Lerøy. This work will continue in 2024.

Programs implemented to upgrade employee skills:



Leader in Lerøy

Leader in Lerøy is an introductory  program to management in Lerøy. The program is based on the Group’s values and management standards and sets clear expectations for managers in Lerøy. Though the programme, basic management theory and principles are reviewed. The participants also complete practical exercises and dilemma training aiming to ensure that the manager is confident in his/her role. The aim of the program is to provide a deeper insight in being a manager in Lerøy as well as give tools and inspiration to enable and encourage the participants to develop their leadership skills.


Lerøy LUP/LIP is a continuation of Leader in Lerøy managerial development program. The program has a strategic focus and provides professional replenishment, inspiration and clarifies manager’s role in Lerøy. The aim of the program is to understand different perspectives beyond one’s own group or unit as well as demonstrate the value of leadership across the whole value chain. In Lerøy LUP/LIP participants are challenged to look at the importance of leadership in the context of the Group’s vision, targets and values. The participants are working with strategic cases in working groups as well as receive individual follow-up.

All the training that is provided is aimed at facilitating continued employability, developing skills and gaining knowledge, however the Group does not offer specific transition assistance programs to provide continued employability and/ or management of career endings resulting form retirement or terminated employment.

Initiatives for students, graduates and apprentices
The Group believes that it is important to provide jobs and practical experiences for students and graduates as well as have a collaboration with local learning institutions along the coast of Norway. Lerøy Havfisk (fishing vessels) offers students the opportunity to participate in practice tours as part of their degree completion. The practice tour is held on five of the Group’s fishing vessels and is done in collaboration with local schools. Some students might be offered an opportunity of apprenticeship.

The Group also offers internships for students in other companies along its value chain. The internships are completed in collaboration with local schools and is a part of the student’s degree. The internships are very popular among students. The Group also collaborates with bachelor, master and PhD students.

The Group have apprentices in several companies in various areas of expertise. Lerøy Havfisk (fishing vessels) is the company with the most apprentices and  in 2023 had around 50 apprentices. The apprenticeships last for two years in addition to school. During the apprenticeship they receive a trade certificate upon completion. Lerøy Havfisk also has cadets, which is a degree after apprenticeship and trade school that requires minimum 180 days of cadet training on the fishing vessels, in order to receive a certificate.

Lerøy offers various trainee programs for graduates. The Group have a collaboration with NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster and Arena Nord Troms, where we have trainees, in addition to the Groups own RAS-trainee program. The program is a combination of a job in a seafood company and an academic program.






Employees at aquaculture facility

Fair Working Conditions

The Group’s commitment to promote fair working conditions, prohibit child labour and all forms of forced and compulsory labour, any kind of discrimination, promoting fair wages as well as prohibiting abuse and inhumane treatment both internally and with our supplier’s, is communicated in our Human rights policy and Business Code of Conduct.

Collective Bargaining

The Group supports and promotes freedom of association and recognizes the right to collective bargaining.

All our employees are free to organize themselves in unions of their choice. They also have the right to engage in collective bargaining. Employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements have identical working conditions and terms of employment as those who are organized in unions of their choice.

The Group keeps a close dialogue with employee representatives, as well as cooperates actively with its employees/ trade unions.

The Group provides information about the right to freedom of association, collective bargaining and participation in trade unions in Lerøy's Business Code of Conduct and information in the Sustainability library. In addition, the Group's subsidiaries work closely with employee representatives and trade union representatives in their company. Some examples of measures that have been implemented in several of the Groups companies are:

  • The collaboration model with employee representatives is audited in connection with ASC and Global GAP
  • Information on freedom of association is a section in the employment contracts: "Employees have the right, without exception, to join or establish trade unions as they see fit, and to bargain collectively. Employers shall not discriminate against union representatives or prevent them from carrying out their trade union work."
  • Union representatives are invited to the annual new employee kick-off where they inform about freedom of association, collective bargaining and what this means
  • Contact information for employee representatives is available to employees on the companies intranet, employee handbook or bulletin board
  • Several companies have employee representatives in working environment committees, as well as quarterly meetings with employee representatives, or other meetings as needed.
  • Union representatives have their own notice board where they share information
  • In the largest companies, employee representatives have a fixed office day


Lerøy screens all new suppliers using social criteria to verify if the Group’s suppliers adhere to Lerøy’s Business Code of Conduct and establish whether they have implemented necessary measures and practices to support and maintain fair working conditions.

All our employees have written employment contracts in which compensation is specified. Our personnel system and the presence of labour unions ensure that all employees are compensated fairly.

The Group complies with the laws applicable in the different countries in which we operate. The Group’s Business Code of Conduct states that no employee is paid less than the official national minimum wage and industry standard.





Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, Norway (%)




Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, internationally (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, USA, UK) (%)




63% of the Group's employees are covered by collective bargaining agreement.

*Please note that this number provides an overview of those employees who have actively chosen to share information on whether they are a member of a trade union. Please note that in some countries the employer is prohibited to ask if the employee is a member of a trade union. This number is based on the information provided voluntarily by the employees and therefore may not be representative.

Human rights

Lerøy supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and will not be complicit in human rights abuses.  

The Group has developed a Human rights policy which is approved by the Board.  The policy is publicly available and communicated internally and externally to all interested parties. 

The Groups Code of Conduct and Lerøy’s Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates the company’s expectations regarding human rights implementation and compliance both for own personnel and our suppliers' personnel.  It also refers to The United Nations Global Compact principles on Human rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption and The International Labour Organization’s declaration of fundamental principles and rights at work. 

The company will actively contribute to creation and maintenance of an environment that treats employees and workers with dignity and respect, seek ways to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts and address such impacts if/when they occur. 

During 2022 the Group has been carrying out due diligence assessments internally and externally, with a particular focus on respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, as part of the implementation of the Norwegian Transparency Act. The results will be published on the Group’s websites within the 30th of June 2023.  

The Group has developed a section on the Group’s global website for suppliers. On this page, existing and new suppliers can find information about the Group’s expectations of its suppliers. The Group has updated its Supplier Code of Conduct and Lerøy Supplier Declaration Form. This form can be found at the supplier webpage. These documents communicate the Group’s requirements to its suppliers and aim to ensure further sustainability related development of suppliers. In the documents, special emphasis is placed on promoting the Group's respect for human rights and decent working conditions as well as anti-corruption and anti-money laundering.  

The general public can contact the Group through a Contact form on the Group’s webpage,,  if they wish to request information regarding the Transparency Act. 


Lerøy is a member of UN Global Compact (Norway) and are working for human rights continuously through our daily business. 

Lerøy uses precautionary principle to guide its human rights related planning activities, decision making process and actions

Equal opportunities

The Group works continuously to ensure a discrimination-free environment, where every  employee is treated equally, independently of their gender, age, sexual orientation, origin, ethnicity, skin color, language, religion or personal philosophy.

One of the Group’s goals is to provide a workplace without discrimination because of disabilities. The company will arrange for individually adapted workplaces and work tasks (where possible) for employees or work applicants with disabilities.

The Group has always emphasized individual skills, performance and responsibility in its recruitment policy and salary system. Furthermore, the Group at all times ensures equal employment opportunities and rights for all employees, both men and women. The Group has an international working environment and a number of our employees have cross-cultural backgrounds.

In recent years, the Group has seen an increase in the proportion of women in previously traditional "male-dominated" occupations, such as aquaculture and wild fishery. We see the same trend in different study directions for the seafood industry. This will lead the way for a better gender balance in the future.

Lerøy finds that the gender balance is positive for the working environment. In recent years, the Group has seen an increase in the proportion of female employees in the companies, and aims to increase the proportion of women further in the coming years.

The Group is focusing on attracting female employees to increase the proportion of women in the company.

Risk assessment

Anchoring of responsible business

Lerøy has undertaken to respect internationally recognized standards for human rights and decent working conditions and strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including internationally recognized conventions on the protection of human rights and decent working conditions.

In particular, Lerøy undertakes to comply with the following international conventions and standards:

  • International Bill of Human Rights and other relevant human rights conventions
  • ILO's declaration on basic principles and rights in working life
  • The UN's guiding principles for business and human rights
  • OECD guidelines for multinational companies where applicable

In addition to complying with the above principles for the protection of human rights and decent working conditions, Lerøy, as further described in ethical guidelines and policy documents, has a special focus on the following areas within human rights and decent working conditions, and expects the same from its suppliers and business partners.

  • Forced labour
  • Child labour
  • Permanent employment
  • Decent pay and regulated working hours
  • Trade unions and collective bargaining
  • Discrimination and harassment

Board and management

In the Group, the work for basic human rights and decent working conditions is firmly rooted in management and the board. The board has approved guidelines and policy documents as detailed below. The day-to-day managers of the reporting subsidiaries, together with the Group management and the board, have been involved in the implementation of responsible business.

Guidelines and policy

The main principles for protecting human rights and decent working conditions are incorporated in the Group's ethical guidelines and policy documents which apply to all subsidiaries in the group.

  • Ethical guidelines
  • Ethical guidelines for suppliers
  • Policy for human and labor rights
  • Policy for Health, Environment and Safety (HSE)
  • Policy for diversity and inclusion
  • Notification policy
  • Policy for purchasing
  • Policy for fish feed
Responsibility and operationalization

The responsibility for implementation, operationalization and continuous improvement of the due diligence process is as follows:

  • The board of Lerøy Seafood Group ASA has overall responsibility
  • Group management and segment management look after the due diligence process as a whole for the group
  • General managers in reporting subsidiaries are responsible for implementation and follow-up in their own operations

The purpose of the above-mentioned guidelines and policy documents is to establish common principles and rules that shall apply to all employees in Lerøy, suppliers and business partners. The Group's ethical guidelines reflect the values the Group stands for and provide guidance on which principles employees and partners must follow when it comes to human rights and decent working conditions.

All employees must have an orderly relationship that involves their own written contract, correct pay, adequate training, follow-up throughout the employment relationship and freedom of organisation. The company focuses on equal rights for women and men. More information about the Group's work for equality, anti-discrimination and equal pay can be found in the Group's Equality, non-discrimination and gender pay report 2022.

Each individual employee is responsible for practicing the ethical guidelines. The Group communicates continuously with its employees and encourages openness and involvement.

The Group has arranged for anonymous, internal notification if the employees wish to notify about objectionable conditions. A notification committee has been set up that covers the entire group. The committee coordinates case processing and the implementation of necessary measures.

The companies in the Lerøy group report quarterly to the Group through a compliance certificate. The compliance reporting contains information on several relevant areas to ensure human rights and decent working conditions, for example HSE, ethical guidelines and warnings. All our farms are Global Gap or ASC certified, and audited by a 3.part every year also in subjects connected to human rights and decent working conditions.

The board must revise ethical guidelines and policy documents every year. An annual schedule has been drawn up to ensure the implementation of various activities throughout the year.

Interested parties can obtain information on our work with responsible business by contacting the Group via a contact form on the Group's website at

The group has arranged for notifications to external parties via the group's website, where notifications can be made anonymously if desired here.

Description of the due diligence assessment process

The Group has carried out a risk assessment of potential or actual negative impact on basic human rights or decent working conditions in connection with the Group's activities and operations.

As part of the due diligence process, the following overall goals have been set:

  • Ensure that the business or operation does not have a potential or actual negative impact on basic human rights or decent working conditions in connection with the Group's business and operation
  • Inform the public through a report on an annual basis
  • Provide information upon request.
Risk mapping

Risk mapping has been carried out on a wide scale to identify areas of the business, across countries and operations, including the supply chain, where the risk of negative impact on human rights and decent working conditions is most relevant.

In the risk mapping, we have taken as a starting point the OECD's guidelines with a focus on industrial risk, geographical risk, product/service risk and company risk.

The Group has carried out due diligence assessments throughout the Group, both in its own operations and against suppliers, with a particular focus on human rights and decent working conditions.

Lerøy has centralized functions, common management systems and standardization across companies within the same segment. Due diligence assessments have therefore been carried out at segment level, which include all the companies within the respective segment. General managers in reporting subsidiaries have carried out due diligence assessments in their own operations. If there are risk conditions or findings that are specifically linked to a company within a segment, this will be specified in the Group's report.

Based on risk mapping, a prioritization has been made. This is mainly based on severity and probability. A closer assessment of prioritized risk areas has then been carried out.

Lerøy has created a separate landing page for suppliers on the Group's websites. Here, suppliers will find the necessary information about the requirements we as a Group set for our suppliers.

A policy has been drawn up for purchasing and various procedures for how purchasing in the Group is to be carried out. This is a document that applies to all our companies across segments. The policy document has been approved by the board and management/board in all subsidiaries.

For larger suppliers such as suppliers of fish feed, physical audits are carried out annually with follow-up of e.g. human rights and decent working conditions. Audits are also carried out via a 3rd party company, recently of all suppliers linked to logistics.

Lerøy has a complex value chain with over 9,000 suppliers from more than 30 countries. This means that there will generally be risks linked to our supply chain. Due to the large scale of suppliers, a risk-based approach has been implemented.

Through a risk-based approach, the suppliers were assessed based on various risk criteria:

Supplier category, (*Recommended special focus according to the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority)

o Service aquaculture

o Fish feed

o Construction services*

o Ship and shipyard industry*


o Transport*

o Cleaning*

o Nutrients

o Rights to land and resources

o Staffing services*

o Equipment

o Others


Country of origin



Furthermore, a survey was carried out against selected suppliers with the following focus:

Business management

o Ethical guidelines

o Policy document

o Compliance

o KS system

o Anti-corruption

o Anti-competitive behaviour

Value chain

o Requirements and guidelines for own supply chain

Human rights

o Decent salary

o Working time regulations

o Equality and discrimination

o Slavery and forced labour

o Child labour

o Professional organisation

o Notification routines


o Working environment

o Security

o Sick leave

o Risk assessments

Results from the risk-based approach and the surveys are further evaluated and any measures implemented.

This year supplier survey had a response rate at: 85% (63 respondents).

Below is a summary of the most important risks identified in the risk assessment and the implemented and planned risk reduction measures to stop, prevent or reduce such harmful effects.

When assessing potential measures, account is taken of Lerøy's specific involvement in the actual or potential harmful effects that have been identified in order to determine appropriate measures. This means assessing whether Lerøy (a) caused (or would cause) the negative impact; or (b) contributed (or will contribute) to the adverse impact; or if (c) the negative impact is (or would be) directly related to the operations, products or services through a business relationship.

Other risks that are identified will be followed up in the same way by assessing current controls and assessing recommended measures. The risks are allocated to a responsible person, and in the case of planned risk-reducing measures, a deadline is set for completion and residual risk.

In the risk assessment carried out for the Group, no actual negative consequences or significant risk of negative consequences have been discovered through the due diligence assessment.

However, based on the risk assessment that has been carried out, the following areas will be prioritized going forward:

  • Health, environment and safety (HSE) in own business
  • Discrimination and harassment in own business
  • Business management at the supplier level
Health, environment and safety (HMS) in own business

Lerøy has a strong HSE focus in all parts of the business and works continuously to reduce HSE risks in many ways.

We have a higher damage extent than desired and will therefore work to reduce our H1 value. If measures are not implemented, there will be an increased risk of new injuries occurring. (H1 value= Number of injuries with absence*1000000/number of hours worked)

People are Lerøy's most important resource, and we will facilitate the best possible working conditions for our employees. In Lerøy, we have a strong focus on both the prevention of accidents and unwanted incidents, as well as close follow-up if and when an accident occurs. We are a learning organization that learns from the mistakes that have been made, and wants to use these lessons to continually become a better Lerøy.

Measures and expected effect

In relation to HSE, several measures have been taken which we expect will yield results.          Measures that can be mentioned are:

  • Increased focus from Group management
  • Employment of a central HSE resource
  • Implementation of training tools
  • Various competence-enhancing measures
  • Digitization projects
  • Continuous improvements
  • Several KPIs are linked to HSE

The Group expects that these measures together with day-to-day management will reduce the number of injuries and the group's H1 value in the future.

Discrimination and harassment in own business

In Lerøy, there must be real equality, and all employees must be guaranteed equal opportunities regardless of gender. Lerøy consists of 5,972 employees in permanent and temporary positions, of which 853 employees are hired labour.

At the end of 2022, the percentage distribution was 39% women and 61% men in the entire group. The gender distribution in Lerøy has been stable for several years, and in recent years we have seen a positive development in the proportion of women.

In Lerøy, we work for a safe, inclusive and developing working environment that builds on the group's value base. Diversity and inclusion in Lerøy means that every employee is treated equally, regardless of gender, age, skin colour, origin, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation and religion.

Measures and expected effect

We work on continuous development in the area of basic human rights and decent working conditions in all parts of our business. Some of the ongoing measures are the training of managers through management development programmes, a manager's handbook, professional meetings, as well as increased professional support from HR to be able to identify and handle unwanted incidents.

For all our employees, some of the group's continuous improvement initiatives focus on communication and information about the Group's ethical guidelines and values, as well as regular training in routines and policies. The Group has e-learning courses for ethical guidelines, notification, equality and diversity.

The work with equality and diversity is anchored in Lerøy's overall strategy. An increase in the proportion of women in the companies and at management level is one of the KPIs that the Group management has in its strategic scorecard. Measures are underway to increase diversity at all job levels. For more information about Lerøy's work against discrimination and harassment, see Equality report 2022.

Norwegian fishing organizations have entered into an agreement to prevent and prevent all forms of harassment in the fishing industry. Segment Villfangst has a particular focus on the findings made in the industry about harassment and, as a result, has an increased focus on measures aimed at this in its own operations and in collaboration with the industry.

Lerøy annually conducts an employee survey for all employees in the Group under the auspices of Great Place To Work. In the employee survey, specific questions are asked that deal with discrimination, bullying and harassment, in order to be able to identify the employees' experience at the workplace. The survey gives Lerøy important insight into further work with the working environment and management.

The Group expects that measures taken will contribute to a safe, inclusive and developing working environment in line with the Group's core values.

Business management at the supplier level

We see that certain suppliers need to carry out risk-based investigations in their own value chain and to develop certain policy documents. We will also follow up that individual suppliers introduce routines for regularly updating ethical guidelines as well as notification channels for anonymous notification.

Measures and expected effect

We expect that a closer collaboration between supplier and purchasing manager will produce the desired effect over time. Internal competence raising as well as close dialogue with individual suppliers is expected to gradually lead to new routines being implemented both internally and externally.

General measures to stop, prevent or limit harmful effects

To reduce identified risks, Lerøy has implemented the following general measures:

  • Updating ethical guidelines to further strengthen our commitment to promoting human rights and decent working conditions
  • Update of policy for human and labor rights
  • Implementation of ethical guidelines for suppliers
  • Notification channel for employees
  • Notification channel for external users
  • Regular e-learning courses for employees

The Group's digital channel for reporting objectionable conditions gives employees the opportunity to report anonymously. Whistleblowing cases are registered, investigated and processed in accordance with the whistleblowing policy and internal procedures. It must be taken into account that notification cases are different. Depending on the nature, scope and severity of the case, investigations are carried out by local management, the COO for the relevant segment, the CEO, or in special cases by the board. Measures taken will depend on the nature and degree of severity of the deviation.

The Group's whistleblowing committee reports quarterly on the status of whistleblowing cases to Group management and the board.

The Group has also created a notification channel for external users on the Group's website. All cases are registered, investigated and processed in accordance with the Group's internal routines. Reported cases follow the same procedure as the handling of internal notifications in that, depending on the nature, extent and severity of the case, they are handled by local management, the COO for the relevant segment, the CEO or, in special cases, by the board. The cases are reported quarterly to Group management and the board. Of the 3 cases received in 2022, there are no cases related to decent working conditions or human rights.

In the past year, the Group has implemented several new routines for follow-up of the Group's suppliers. An expanded purchasing organization is one of the measures that have been implemented and which we expect will be important in the future to prevent and limit harmful effects in the supply chain.

Lerøy will follow up the due diligence assessment and the measures described above in accordance with procedures and guidelines, as well as through short-term and long-term initiatives. This includes communicating with stakeholders about how any negative consequences have been handled, as well as ensuring or collaborating on recovery and compensation where this is required.

Due diligence assessments must be carried out at least annually, as well as in the event of significant changes in the risk picture or significant changes in the Group's risk assessments. Lerøy have implemented guidelines for carrying out due diligence assessments for use in the segment and all Group companies to ensure a coordinated implementation of the due diligence process throughout the Group.

Review and analysis
Some feedback from the supplier survey:
Supplier survey image
96.83 %
I support and acknowledge Lerøy`s Supplier Code of Conduct
100 %
The organization has an overview of and is in compliance with all laws and regulations that apply to it
95.24 %
The organization reports incidents/non-conformances and completes incident/non-conformance investigation/handling including incidents related to HSE
77.78 %
The organization has a relevant third party certification
95.24 %
The organization has policies to respect human rights
74.6 %
The organization has established and implemented a process for supplier risk assessment and management
71.43 %
The organization has established and implemented a process for regular supply chain follow-up and audits
65.08 %
The organization has carried out risk-based supplier audits of selected suppliers
80.95 %
The organization has process for ensuring that its suppliers provide safe working conditions to employees and workers as well wages that are no lower than the minimum wage for the country in question or the industry standard
93.65 %
The organization has established procedures for promoting equality and prevent discrimination
90.48 %
The organization has established procedures that ban forced labor and modern slavery
100 %
The oranizations workers and employees have the right to freedom of association
88.71 %
The organization had an established channel for whistle-blowing
96.83 %
The organization has policies and ensures a work environment free threats, abuse and mistreatment
100 %
Are the companys`s employees free to choose union representatives without interference from the company management?

Equality, non-discrimination and gender pay report & Likestillingsredegjørelsen in Norwegian

Lerøy Seafood Group's report on equality, non-discrimination and gender pay (Likestillingsredegjørelsen in Norwegian)


Turnover includes own employees, hired employees, part-time employees and temporary employees.

Turnover rate – gender:

Total Female Male
9,5% 34,6% 65,4%


Turnover rate in different age groups:

Employees under 30 years old Employees between 30-50 years old Employees over 50 years old
40,4% 44,6% 15%


Turnover executive management team:

Total(executive management team in all subsidiaries in the Group) Norwegian companies International companies
6,25% 5% 9%


The executive management team consist of the management team and CEO in each subsidiary. On average the executive management team consist of 6 managers, including CEO.