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    • 1 large cooked lobster
    • 1 tbsp neutral oil
    • 3 shallots, chopped
    • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
    • 5 star anise
    • 0.5 dl brandy
    • 2 dl sparkling wine
    • 6 dl shellfish stock, can be replaced with water
    • 2 tbsp tomato purée
    • 1 pinch saffron
    • 1 carrot, sliced
    • 1 small fennel, chopped
    • 50 g celeriac, diced
    • 2 tomatoes, diced
    • 3 dl double cream
    • 1 tbsp lemon juice (or more)
    • 0.5 tsp Cayenne pepper
    • 0.5 tsp salt
    • 0.5 tsp pepper
    • 1.5 dl crème fraîche
    • 1 tbsp butter
    • 1 handful of chervil or tarragon
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1. Start by cutting the lobster into two. To do so, hold the tail in one hand and the head in the other and gently twist and pull to remove the tail from the head. Use a pointed and sharp knife to cut the lobster tail into two lengthwise and remove the meat. Use a nutcracker to break the claws so that you can remove the claw meat. Cover the lobster meat and leave in the fridge while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

2. Heat the oil in an iron pot or deep pan. Add the lobster shell and leave to fry for a couple of minutes over a relatively high heat.

3. Roughly chop the garlic and shallots and add to the pot with the star anise. Lower the heat to medium and fry gently for a couple of minutes.

4. Reduce the heat to the lowest setting and add the brandy. Set fire to the brandy with a match and let the flame burn down. NB! Before lighting the brandy, turn off the kitchen fan and have a lid close at hand in case the flames go too high!

5. Add the sparkling wine, shellfish stock or water, tomato purée and saffron. Mix well and bring to the boil before turning down the heat again. Leave to simmer without a lid.

6. Roughly chop the carrot, fennel, celeriac and tomatoes and add to the pot. Continue to simmer without a lid for 30 minutes. Remove any foam that forms on the top.

7. Add the cream and continue to simmer for a further 20-30 minutes before draining the stock into a new pan. Use the bottom of a ladle to make sure you get all the juices out of the vegetables when draining in a sieve. Season with lemon juice, Cayenne pepper and salt and pepper.

8. Add the crème fraîche and use a hand blender to foam the soup before serving.

9. Immediately before serving, cut the lobster meat into bite-sized pieces and quickly fry in a pan with butter. Pour the foaming bisque into deep soup bowls then add the lobster meat and top with some fresh chervil or tarragon.

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